الأربعاء، 20 يوليو 2011

Libya's Historical Day

In a painful reply on Gaddafi's allegations about having millions of Libyans standing by his side, a huge number ,and I mean HUGE about  2 millions ,went out on 6 July, 2011 in one united demonstration . They came from all over Libya to Benghazi ,the heart of 17Feb revolution, to show this Jews man that Libya is one body and the heart of Libya is Tripoli, our capital. To tell him that he and his miserable family  has got no place in Libya anymore .To tell him to get out of Libya and to leave it for Libyans to rebuild what he has destroyed along 42 miserable years of hunger , fear , injustice ,hanging Muslims in Ramadan at the middle of Benghazi and a complete infrastructure disaster .
The demonstrators started to come to Benghazi a day before the congregation day. Families , men , women , children and all kinds of people. The next day at 4 p.m. we started gathering at the center of the city at "Al-kesh yard" ,where Benghazi's big slaughter on 17 February happened ,and "the freedom yard" where most of people demonstrate everyday to support our families in the west of Libya. The place between those two places were completely full of demonstrators .

It's an amazing feeling ,it's the first time in my life i see Libyans like that. They all have the most beautiful smile that you can ever seen. It's like we were in a black hole and finally we saw the sun shines above us. People are so good with each other .they're all walking together and yelling in one united voice : FREEDOM , Tripoli is in our hearts , "Libya is free , Gaddafi go away" and so many other great words .
Benghazi seemed at that moment with its full streets like one big house and we're all living in that house like one family. 
A 5Km long flag was upraised at the demonstration to show the dictatorial the real flag not the one he showed in his stupid fake demonstration. This demonstration was nothing but our poor families in Tripoli who were told that their missed children are at the green yard in the middle of Tripoli .They were told to come to that place to take them but as usual Gaddafi is a big lier and when the families went to take back their children , they were attacked and forced to cheer for Gaddafi .The Families who refused to go out , the next day they found their missed children's dead bodies in front of their houses.
I'm not surprised , we saw the worst types of inhumanity from this monster and we have nothing to do but to hold on ,fight and  pray to Allah to help us on our battle against this killer.
We just want to tell Tripoli that we don't blame anyone appears in Gaddafi's demonstrations. We know that Gaddafi made Tripoli hell for its people .Our hearts are with you , don't give up , hold on and like Our great grandfather and our true leader Omar Al-mokhtar said :
We will not surrender … We win or die

May Allah bless and protect our Libya and Libyans everywhere